Little Library Piece
When it came time to choose an eagle project, I knew I wanted to do something for our neighborhood. There have been so many younger families moving in and a little library seemed like a good idea. I thought it would help bring our neighborhood together by sharing books and talking about them. I will check in on the library periodically and try to collect books that might interest neighbors. You do not have to leave one to take one, the focus is more about sharing them. I hope everyone enjoys it.”
Connor Smith
The Little Library is in front of the basketball court on the corner of Ashby & Regent drives .
Do you know your neighbor or neighbors?
Neighbors......Merrian Webster defines the word Neighbor as a noun, one living or located near another. A fellow man. As an adjective, being immediately adding or relatively near. As a verb, to adjoin immediate, to associate with in a neighborly way.
What makes a good neighbor?
*Good Neighbors are friendly. They introduce themselves, maintain relationships and are approachable. They also enjoy being social in their community and encourage others to do so as well.
*Good Neighbors are helpful. Helpful neighbors lend a hand. They are considerate of others in the neighborhood and offer a hand when in need. Offer a hand to those who are elderly and disabled.
*Good Neighbors are trusting. They have yours and other neighbors best interests at heart. They treat neighbors home and family as if it were their own. Trusting neighbors follow through when asked to do something. Always keep your word as a neighbor.
*Good Neighbors are respectful. They understand boundaries and are respectful of their neighbors time and space. They are respectful and considerate of their neighbors property, and respectful of their interaction and communication on an as needed basis.
*Good Neighbors are considerate of noise. Neighbors that act responsible to noise levels is a large part of being overall respectful to a relationship.
*Good Neighbors are active in the community. Being active in your neighborhood helps build trust and friendly relationships. Plan block parties, yard sales, neighborhood holiday events.
Why you need to know your neighbor.
Friendship for kids. As a parent, you love the idea of a neighborhood full of kids largely for that good old fashioned feeling of "built in" friends for your kids. There is no better feeling than your kids relationships with other kids and their families.
Friendship for adults. It's so important to remember that this is not about quantity of friendships. It's about the quality of friendships. Studies show we all cope better in times of need when we have even one dependable person to turn to in close proximity to our home.
Here are five simple ideas for getting to know the neighbors right where they are at in our own community.
1. Plan and invite neighbors to a street/block party. Something simple as easy chairs in a driveway or yard. Easy food items, such as bring your own picnic dinner or order something from a local fast food restaurant. Water bottles all around.
2. Call a neighbor and ask to can pick up groceries or run an errand for them. Those elderly or new moms are always needing an extra hand for those little things that are needed.
3. Look for those people who may feel forgotten. Yes, there are those who have experienced death of a loved one, divorce or just don't feel connected with people living right next to them. Reach out. Listen. Hug.
4. Make a dinner that you have always wanted to share. An elderly, sick or hurting neighbor would love to have something that you've whipped up, like a batch of pasta or soup. Or simply double the recipe of something you're making for your family.
5. Be on the lookout for opportunities to support the HOA community overall. Volunteering time in helping out with projects, events and keeping the neighborhood beautiful. Don't be afraid to help neighbors with projects. Host cookouts so that neighbors get to know each other and the neighborhood HOA board.
In closing...... keep the lights on, the door open and a friendly hand shake or hug to welcome those around you.
**(Disclaimer) These thoughts are not original. They were picked from the articles on the internet in references about Neighbors helping Neighbors. They are not directed at anyone or designed to hurt anyones feelings.
Add bus pictures
Well, school is about to start again! Friday, August 6th is the first day back for those of you with kids. I remember ours going off to school. The new outfit, a good breakfast to start the day, getting the lunch boxes ready, the picture of the kids with their grade sign, waiting for the bus and the whew..the house is quiet again! It's an exciting time for everyone.
With all that being said, let's think about that BIG YELLOW BUS that comes in the neighborhood and how we all need to drive slowly watching out for the kids catching the bus. The bus comes pretty early in the morning (7:01am) and drops off in the late afternoon (3:41pm) Please make sure you drive our 25 mile speed limit during those times. And those with teenagers driving through the neighborhood.....please tell them to drive slowly and carefully. For our folks on REL, while the bus doesn't run up there, still be very aware of kids walking on Long and REL. Drive slowly!
We want this to be a safe place for our children to walk home from getting off the bus or while they are walking with friends to visit or go to the park to hang out.
If you have any "first" day school pictures you would like to share and have posted on the website, please send them to me at [email protected]. We would love to see your kiddo(s) and wish them well.
We hope that everyone will have a great and successful year at school!
When it came time to choose an eagle project, I knew I wanted to do something for our neighborhood. There have been so many younger families moving in and a little library seemed like a good idea. I thought it would help bring our neighborhood together by sharing books and talking about them. I will check in on the library periodically and try to collect books that might interest neighbors. You do not have to leave one to take one, the focus is more about sharing them. I hope everyone enjoys it.”
Connor Smith
The Little Library is in front of the basketball court on the corner of Ashby & Regent drives .
Do you know your neighbor or neighbors?
Neighbors......Merrian Webster defines the word Neighbor as a noun, one living or located near another. A fellow man. As an adjective, being immediately adding or relatively near. As a verb, to adjoin immediate, to associate with in a neighborly way.
What makes a good neighbor?
*Good Neighbors are friendly. They introduce themselves, maintain relationships and are approachable. They also enjoy being social in their community and encourage others to do so as well.
*Good Neighbors are helpful. Helpful neighbors lend a hand. They are considerate of others in the neighborhood and offer a hand when in need. Offer a hand to those who are elderly and disabled.
*Good Neighbors are trusting. They have yours and other neighbors best interests at heart. They treat neighbors home and family as if it were their own. Trusting neighbors follow through when asked to do something. Always keep your word as a neighbor.
*Good Neighbors are respectful. They understand boundaries and are respectful of their neighbors time and space. They are respectful and considerate of their neighbors property, and respectful of their interaction and communication on an as needed basis.
*Good Neighbors are considerate of noise. Neighbors that act responsible to noise levels is a large part of being overall respectful to a relationship.
*Good Neighbors are active in the community. Being active in your neighborhood helps build trust and friendly relationships. Plan block parties, yard sales, neighborhood holiday events.
Why you need to know your neighbor.
Friendship for kids. As a parent, you love the idea of a neighborhood full of kids largely for that good old fashioned feeling of "built in" friends for your kids. There is no better feeling than your kids relationships with other kids and their families.
Friendship for adults. It's so important to remember that this is not about quantity of friendships. It's about the quality of friendships. Studies show we all cope better in times of need when we have even one dependable person to turn to in close proximity to our home.
Here are five simple ideas for getting to know the neighbors right where they are at in our own community.
1. Plan and invite neighbors to a street/block party. Something simple as easy chairs in a driveway or yard. Easy food items, such as bring your own picnic dinner or order something from a local fast food restaurant. Water bottles all around.
2. Call a neighbor and ask to can pick up groceries or run an errand for them. Those elderly or new moms are always needing an extra hand for those little things that are needed.
3. Look for those people who may feel forgotten. Yes, there are those who have experienced death of a loved one, divorce or just don't feel connected with people living right next to them. Reach out. Listen. Hug.
4. Make a dinner that you have always wanted to share. An elderly, sick or hurting neighbor would love to have something that you've whipped up, like a batch of pasta or soup. Or simply double the recipe of something you're making for your family.
5. Be on the lookout for opportunities to support the HOA community overall. Volunteering time in helping out with projects, events and keeping the neighborhood beautiful. Don't be afraid to help neighbors with projects. Host cookouts so that neighbors get to know each other and the neighborhood HOA board.
In closing...... keep the lights on, the door open and a friendly hand shake or hug to welcome those around you.
**(Disclaimer) These thoughts are not original. They were picked from the articles on the internet in references about Neighbors helping Neighbors. They are not directed at anyone or designed to hurt anyones feelings.
Add bus pictures
Well, school is about to start again! Friday, August 6th is the first day back for those of you with kids. I remember ours going off to school. The new outfit, a good breakfast to start the day, getting the lunch boxes ready, the picture of the kids with their grade sign, waiting for the bus and the whew..the house is quiet again! It's an exciting time for everyone.
With all that being said, let's think about that BIG YELLOW BUS that comes in the neighborhood and how we all need to drive slowly watching out for the kids catching the bus. The bus comes pretty early in the morning (7:01am) and drops off in the late afternoon (3:41pm) Please make sure you drive our 25 mile speed limit during those times. And those with teenagers driving through the neighborhood.....please tell them to drive slowly and carefully. For our folks on REL, while the bus doesn't run up there, still be very aware of kids walking on Long and REL. Drive slowly!
We want this to be a safe place for our children to walk home from getting off the bus or while they are walking with friends to visit or go to the park to hang out.
If you have any "first" day school pictures you would like to share and have posted on the website, please send them to me at [email protected]. We would love to see your kiddo(s) and wish them well.
We hope that everyone will have a great and successful year at school!