2021 Entrances Survey
Tennessee Stonehenge, Inc.
Accurate Tax and HOA Management
1804 Williamson Court #108
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 256-7146 www.stonehengetn.org
Franklin Road - Stonehenge Entrance Construction Survey
The period of 2021-22 may be the time when Stonehenge will rebuild the subdivision’s entrance on Franklin Road. Informal discussions and information gathering have occurred, but no formal plans have yet to be drawn up for the new entrance. It is important that we have your input on the formulation of these plans. Please respond to this survey with your thoughts, and return it with your 2021 dues, if possible. Surveys can also be emailed to [email protected].
Please circle the response to each question that best agrees with your views.
1. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following sizes do you prefer?
A. Small 3’ to 4’ tall B. Medium 5’ to 6’ tall C. Large 7’ to 8’ tall
2. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following materials do you prefer?
A. Stone B. Wood C. Brick D. Metal E. Other __________________
3. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following colors do you prefer?
A. Light brown B. Darker brown C. Light Gray D. Darker Gray E. Other
4. Considering the existing stone columns and green wooden fence, which do you prefer?
A. Keep them and blend them in B. Remove them
5. Considering low-voltage nighttime lighting for the sign, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Install in-ground nighttime lighting B. Do not light the sign
6. Considering the overall landscaping at the entrance, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal coverage area B. Moderate coverage area C. Extensive coverage area
7. Concerning new trees, which of these MTEMC-approved trees do you prefer?
A. Maple B. Redbud C. Dogwood D. Other _________________
8. Concerning the shrubbery and mulch around the entrance, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal shrubs and mulch B. Moderate C. Extensive
9. To protect our new plants and trees, would you recommend an in-ground irrigation system?
A. Yes B. No
10. If the cost of rebuilding the entrance exceeds our current savings of about $110,000, would you approve of an HOA bank loan for a difference of:
A. No bank loan B. Up to $10,000 C. Up to $20,000 D. More than $20,000
Please use additional sheets for other comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Name ________________________________ Address ________________________________
Tennessee Stonehenge, Inc.
Accurate Tax and HOA Management
1804 Williamson Court #108
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 256-7146 www.stonehengetn.org
Robert E. Lee - Stonehenge Entrance Construction Survey
The period of 2021-22 may be the time when Stonehenge will rebuild the subdivision’s entrance on Robert E. Lee. Informal discussions and information gathering have occurred, but no formal plans have yet to be drawn up for the new entrance. It is important that we have your input on the formulation of these plans. Please respond to this survey with your thoughts, and return it with your 2021 dues, if possible. Surveys can also be emailed to [email protected].
Please circle the response to each question that best agrees with your views.
1. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, would you favor or disfavor a new sign for the REL corner?
A. Favor a new sign B. Do not want a sign
2. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, would you favor a copy of the new Franklin Road sign?
A. The two signs should match, except in size B. The two signs don’t have to match
3. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following sizes do you prefer for the corner?
A. Small 3’ to 4’ tall B. Medium 5’ to 6’ tall C. Large 7’ to 8’ tall
4. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following materials do you prefer?
A. Stone B. Wood C. Brick D. Metal E. Other __________________
5. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following colors do you prefer?
A. Light brown B. Darker brown C. Light Gray D. Darker Gray E. Other
6. Considering the overall landscaping of the corner, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal corner area B. Moderate corner area C. Extensive corner area
7. Considering the existing large Crepe Myrtle tree, which do you prefer?
A. Keep the Crepe Myrtle B. Remove the Crepe Myrtle to make room for a new sign
8. Concerning any new trees, which of these MTEMC-approved trees do you prefer?
A. Maple B. Redbud C. Dogwood D. Other _________________
9. Concerning the shrubbery and mulch around the area, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal shrubs and mulch B. Moderate C. Extensive
10. If the cost of rebuilding the entrance exceeds our current savings of about $110,000, would you approve of an HOA bank loan for a difference of:
A. No bank loan B. Up to $10,000 C. Up to $20,000 D. More than $20,000
Please use additional sheets for other comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Name ________________________________ Address ________________________________
Accurate Tax and HOA Management
1804 Williamson Court #108
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 256-7146 www.stonehengetn.org
Franklin Road - Stonehenge Entrance Construction Survey
The period of 2021-22 may be the time when Stonehenge will rebuild the subdivision’s entrance on Franklin Road. Informal discussions and information gathering have occurred, but no formal plans have yet to be drawn up for the new entrance. It is important that we have your input on the formulation of these plans. Please respond to this survey with your thoughts, and return it with your 2021 dues, if possible. Surveys can also be emailed to [email protected].
Please circle the response to each question that best agrees with your views.
1. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following sizes do you prefer?
A. Small 3’ to 4’ tall B. Medium 5’ to 6’ tall C. Large 7’ to 8’ tall
2. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following materials do you prefer?
A. Stone B. Wood C. Brick D. Metal E. Other __________________
3. Considering the new Stonehenge sign, which of the following colors do you prefer?
A. Light brown B. Darker brown C. Light Gray D. Darker Gray E. Other
4. Considering the existing stone columns and green wooden fence, which do you prefer?
A. Keep them and blend them in B. Remove them
5. Considering low-voltage nighttime lighting for the sign, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Install in-ground nighttime lighting B. Do not light the sign
6. Considering the overall landscaping at the entrance, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal coverage area B. Moderate coverage area C. Extensive coverage area
7. Concerning new trees, which of these MTEMC-approved trees do you prefer?
A. Maple B. Redbud C. Dogwood D. Other _________________
8. Concerning the shrubbery and mulch around the entrance, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal shrubs and mulch B. Moderate C. Extensive
9. To protect our new plants and trees, would you recommend an in-ground irrigation system?
A. Yes B. No
10. If the cost of rebuilding the entrance exceeds our current savings of about $110,000, would you approve of an HOA bank loan for a difference of:
A. No bank loan B. Up to $10,000 C. Up to $20,000 D. More than $20,000
Please use additional sheets for other comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Name ________________________________ Address ________________________________
Tennessee Stonehenge, Inc.
Accurate Tax and HOA Management
1804 Williamson Court #108
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 256-7146 www.stonehengetn.org
Robert E. Lee - Stonehenge Entrance Construction Survey
The period of 2021-22 may be the time when Stonehenge will rebuild the subdivision’s entrance on Robert E. Lee. Informal discussions and information gathering have occurred, but no formal plans have yet to be drawn up for the new entrance. It is important that we have your input on the formulation of these plans. Please respond to this survey with your thoughts, and return it with your 2021 dues, if possible. Surveys can also be emailed to [email protected].
Please circle the response to each question that best agrees with your views.
1. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, would you favor or disfavor a new sign for the REL corner?
A. Favor a new sign B. Do not want a sign
2. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, would you favor a copy of the new Franklin Road sign?
A. The two signs should match, except in size B. The two signs don’t have to match
3. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following sizes do you prefer for the corner?
A. Small 3’ to 4’ tall B. Medium 5’ to 6’ tall C. Large 7’ to 8’ tall
4. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following materials do you prefer?
A. Stone B. Wood C. Brick D. Metal E. Other __________________
5. Considering a new Stonehenge sign, which of the following colors do you prefer?
A. Light brown B. Darker brown C. Light Gray D. Darker Gray E. Other
6. Considering the overall landscaping of the corner, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal corner area B. Moderate corner area C. Extensive corner area
7. Considering the existing large Crepe Myrtle tree, which do you prefer?
A. Keep the Crepe Myrtle B. Remove the Crepe Myrtle to make room for a new sign
8. Concerning any new trees, which of these MTEMC-approved trees do you prefer?
A. Maple B. Redbud C. Dogwood D. Other _________________
9. Concerning the shrubbery and mulch around the area, which of the following do you prefer?
A. Minimal shrubs and mulch B. Moderate C. Extensive
10. If the cost of rebuilding the entrance exceeds our current savings of about $110,000, would you approve of an HOA bank loan for a difference of:
A. No bank loan B. Up to $10,000 C. Up to $20,000 D. More than $20,000
Please use additional sheets for other comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Name ________________________________ Address ________________________________